
Monday, April 22, 2013

New York

If you really think about it, New York is amazing. It consists of people from all different ethnic groups and people from all different religions and of all different races. It's basically a mini version of the world. In fact, Queens is the most diverse place in the country.

Even the homeless people are nice. There was a homeless guy outside my old school who every time a kid passed him, he said, "Don't forget to read a book!" or "Stay in school!" And I realized-he wasn't just trying to me nice, he was trying to keep us from making the same mistake he made. Everywhere in New York-Manhattan, Brooklyn, everywhere-the homeless people are trying to help the next generation. They say "Stay in school" and "Don't drink" and "Keep studying" to help us.

This is why you don't hear people on the radio singing songs about Pennsylvania*. This is why Empire State of Mind is about New York.

It is amazing.
It is wonderful.

And it is beautiful.

*No offense, Pennsylvania

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